Hot Fix and Patch History Parent topic

When the OfficeScan server deploys hot fix or patch files to OfficeScan clients, the client program records information about the hot fix or patch in Registry Editor. You can query this information for multiple clients using logistics software such as Microsoft SMS, LANDesk™, or BigFix™.
This feature does not record hot fixes and patches that are deployed only to the server.
This feature is available starting in OfficeScan 8.0 Service Pack 1 with patch 3.1.
  • Clients upgraded from version 8.0 Service Pack 1 with patch 3.1 or later record installed hot fixes and patches for version 8.0 and later.
  • Clients upgraded from versions earlier than 8.0 Service Pack 1 with patch 3.1 record installed hot fixes and patches for version 10.0 and later.
Information is stored in the following keys:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\ CurrentVersion\HotfixHistory\<Product version>
  • For computers running x64 type platforms:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\ PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\HotfixHistory\<Product version>
Check for the following keys:
  • Key: HotFix_installed
    Type: REG_SZ
    Value: <Hot fix or patch name>
  • Key: HotfixInstalledNum
    Type: DWORD
    Value: <Hot fix or patch number>