Manually Replacing the CTA Package Parent topic

Manually replace the CTA package on the OfficeScan server if there is a specific version you want to use.


  1. In the CTA version you want to use, copy the CTA .msi file to one of the following folders:
    • <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\CTA\CTA-Package
    • <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\CTA\ CTA-Supplicant-Package
  2. Copy the following files to <Server installation folder>\ PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\CTA\PosturePlugin: TmabPP.dll, tmabpp.inf and TmAbPpAct.exe.
  3. In the web console, go to Cisco NACAgent Management and click Use <CTA version>.
After agent upgrade, the files will be zipped to as a CTA deployment package under <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\download\Product.