Managing the Reference Server List Parent topic


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersFirewallProfiles or Networked ComputersComputer Location.
  2. Depending on the displayed screen, do the following:
    • If you are on the Firewall Profiles for Networked Computers screen, click Edit Reference Server List.
    • If you are on the Computer Location screen, click reference server list.
  3. Select Enable the Reference Server list.
  4. To add a computer to the list, click Add.
    1. Specify the computer's IPv4/IPv6 address, name, or fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as:
      • computer.networkname
    2. Type the port through which clients communicate with this computer. Specify any open contact port (such as ports 20, 23 or 80) on the reference server.
      To specify another port number for the same reference server, repeat steps 2a and 2b. The OfficeScan client uses the first port number on the list and, if connection is unsuccessful, uses the next port number.
    3. Click Save.
  5. To edit the settings of a computer on the list, click the computer name. Modify the computer name or port, and then click Save.
  6. To remove a computer from the list, select the computer name and then click Delete.
  7. To enable the computers to act as reference servers, click Assign to Clients.