Security Risk Outbreak Criteria and Notifications Parent topic

Configure OfficeScan to send you and other OfficeScan administrators a notification when the following events occur:
  • Virus/Malware outbreak
  • Spyware/Grayware outbreak
  • Firewall Violations outbreak
  • Shared folder session outbreak
Define an outbreak by the number of detections and the detection period. An outbreak is triggered when the number of detections within the detection period is exceeded.
OfficeScan comes with a set of default notification messages that inform you and other OfficeScan administrators of an outbreak. You can modify the notifications and configure additional notification settings to suit your requirements.
OfficeScan can send security risk outbreak notifications through email, pager, SNMP trap, and Windows NT Event logs. For shared folder session outbreaks, OfficeScan sends notifications through email. Configure settings when OfficeScan sends notifications through these channels. For details, see Administrator Notification Settings.