Solution Based on Operating System: Parent topic

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 with NTFS File System Parent topic


  1. Log on to the computer with Administrator privilege.
  2. Close all running applications to prevent applications from locking the file, which would make Windows unable to delete it.
  3. Open the command prompt, and type the following to delete the files:
    • cd \
    • cd recycled
    • del *.* /S
    • The last command deletes all files in the Recycle Bin.
  4. Check if the files were removed.

Other Operating Systems (or those without NTFS) Parent topic


  1. Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode.
  2. Open a command prompt, and type the following to delete the files:
    • cd \
    • cd recycled
    • del *.* /S
    • The last command deletes all files in the Recycle Bin.