Purpose: Manage self-signed or third-party certificate for SSL decryption and configure end-user certificate notification settings.
Location: Administration > Certificate Management


  1. Do the following.
    Export or regenerate the self-signed certificate
    • To export the certificate that Cloud Edge uses to decrypt SSL traffic, click Export, and then save the certificate on the local computer.
      A certificate warning always displays if the self-signed certificate is in use but not trusted by end users' browsers. To help end users get rid of the certificate warning when they visit HTTPS websites, instruct them to install the exported certificate into their trusted certificate store. For detailed instructions, see Installing a Cloud Edge CA Certificate to Your Browser.
    • To regenerate the certificate, click Regenerate.
    Import a certificate from a third-party Certificate Authority (CA)
    Configure the end-user certificate notification settings
    Click On to enable the end-user certificate notification and select the frequency of displaying the notification.
    A certificate warning always displays if the self-signed certificate of Cloud Edge is in use but not trusted by end users' browsers when they visit HTTPS websites.
    If end users chooses to ignore the warning and proceed with the access, the end-user certificate notification displays, instructing end users to download and install the CA certificate provided by Cloud Edge to resolve the certificate verification issue.