Replacing a gateway with a different Cloud Edge gateway maintains all policies, configuration data, and logs on Cloud Edge Cloud Console. Replace a gateway for the following reasons:
  • The Cloud Edge gateway is malfunctioning or broken.
  • The customer wants to upgrade to a higher performance Cloud Edge gateway.
Once the new Cloud Edge gateway synchronizes log statistics with Cloud Edge Cloud Console, Cloud Edge Cloud Console merges the new log statistics with cached data from the replaced Cloud Edge gateway.
You can replace a gateway that is in an HA Group only with a gateway that is the same model and firmware version as the gateway being replaced.
Before replacing a gateway in an HA Group, remove the Ethernet cable from the heartbeat interface of the gateway that you are replacing and connect the Ethernet cable to the heartbeat interface of the new gateway.
Each gateway has a unique key (serial number) associated with a specific registered Cloud Edge gateway on Cloud Edge Cloud Console. After replacing the gateway, you can no longer use the old Cloud Edge gateway unless you register the Cloud Edge gateway as a new gateway.
After replacing the gateway, only the policy settings are restored.


  1. Go to Gateways.
  2. Right-click the gateway to replace, then select icon-replacement.png Replace.
  3. Specify the new Cloud Edge gateway serial number.
  4. Click Replace.
  5. Remove the old Cloud Edge gateway from the network.
  6. Add the new Cloud Edge gateway to the network.
    The new Cloud Edge gateway registers to Cloud Edge Cloud Console and the old Cloud Edge gateway is removed from Cloud Edge Cloud Console.