Purpose: It allows customers to upload a CSV file (with designated format) to register gateways in bulk.
Location: Gateways > Gateway Management


  1. Click the Import Gateways button.
  2. In the Import Gateways popup, select a gateway model in the Model dropdown.
  3. Click Browse to navigate to a CSV file on your local drive (click Download Template to download a .CSV file).
    In the .CSV file, customers should fill these 2 values of each gateway. Each gateway in a line. The Gateway Name field can be left empty so the system will automatically generate names for such gateways. The automatically generated gateway names are like "Cloudedge_01", "CloudEdge_02", etc. Do not delete the head row of the CSV file.
  4. Click Import.
    On the Gateway Management page, the imported gateways will show in the Root group list. The Import Summary banner will show the number of successfully imported gateways and the number of gateways failed to import. Click Fix the errors to view the details of the gateways failed to import in a popup, which shows the failure details.
  5. Click OK or click Export Errors to export the .CSV file to a local drive.