Purpose: Use authentication settings for authentication source and authentication cache TTL.
Location: Administration > USER AUTHENTICATION > Authentication Settings


  1. Under Authentication Source, select one of the following options:
    • Hosted User
      Users log on with the credentials configured in Cloud Edge. For details, see Hosted Users and Groups.
    • LDAP
      Users log on using LDAP authentication. For details, see LDAP Settings.
    • RADIUS
      Users log on using RADIUS authentication. For details, see RADIUS Settings.
  2. Under Authentication Cache, select one of the following and then select the number of hours for TTL:
    • Fixed TTL (hours)
    • Last Active TTL (hours)
  3. Click Save.
    • Gateways of Cloud Edge 6.0 and later support LDAP for authentication.
    • Gateways of Cloud Edge 6.0SP3 and later support RADIUS for authentication.