Purpose: Create or modify informational alerts.
Location: Administration > Informational Alerts


  1. Specify Alert Recipients to receive alerts.
  2. Click the Informational Alerts tab.
  3. Click On to enable informational alerts.
  4. Select one or more of the following alert types:
    • High Availability status change
      This alert is sent to all recipients whenever the HA status changes.
    • Gateway status change
      This alert is sent to all recipients whenever the gateway status changes from offline to online, or when the gateway remains offline for 15 minutes.
      To send alerts when the gateway remains offline for 72 hours (3 days), configure the settings on the Gateway Offline Alerts tab.
    • Mail security status change
      This alert is sent to all recipients whenever the mail security status changes.
    • C&C Callbacks
      If you select this option, specify the threshold value that triggers this alert by specifying the number of events and the time duration for these events to occur.
      Only the top five (5) hosts that have triggered the C&C Callbacks event will be listed in the alert email message.
  5. Click Save.