Location: Gateways > (gateway name) > NETWORK ACCESS
CONTROL > Suspicious
Endpoints > General
- Optionally enable Suspicious Endpoints.
- Choose the action to take for endpoints in violation of the policy:
Block: All access to the Internet is blocked.If any endpoint is blocked by the Suspicious Endpoints function, the client browser is sent the Suspicious Endpoints Violation notification page and the incident is logged in the troubleshooting screen.
Monitor (default): Access to the Internet is allowed, but the suspicious endpoint is added to the violation list.
- Configure the threshold for C&C callbacks:
- Enter the number of threshold events (default: 50).The range is 1 to 1000.
- Enter the time period within which the number of threshold events are
counted (default: 1 hour).Supported values are 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 1 day.
- Enter the number of threshold events (default: 50).
- Click Apply.