Purpose: View gateway and HA group information for all gateways.
Location: Gateways


  1. View the information for all gateways.
    • Group/Gateway Name: The group or gateway's name.
    • Status: Current status in Cloud Edge Cloud Console for the gateway.
    • Last policy deployment: Time stamp for the most recent policy deployment from Cloud Edge Cloud Console to the gateway.
    • Policy deployment status: Last policy deployment result.
    • Last Log Uploaded: Time stamp for the most recent logs uploaded from the gateway to Cloud Edge Cloud Console.
    • Security Profiles: The Cloud Edge security profile applied to this gateway.
    • Actions: Actions available for this gateway.
      You cannot move or delete a gateway if it is in an HA group. These action icons are not available for gateways that are part of an HA pair.
  2. View the information about HA groups:
    • HA Name: The name for each HA group. Under each HA group name are the names of the two member Cloud Edge gateways.
    • Enable: Whether the HA group is On or Off .
    • HA Role: Role can be Primary or Secondary.
    • Priority: List the priority for the primary and secondary gateways.
    • Heartbeat Interface: List the heartbeat interface for the primary and secondary gateways.
      The interface must be the same for both the primary and secondary gateway.
    • IPv4 Address/Netmask: List the IPv4 address and netmask for the primary and secondary gateways.
    • Version: List the version for the primary and secondary gateways.
      Generally, version will be the same for both gateways, but might differ for a short time during upgrades.
    • HA states: Status for the primary and secondary gateways.
      Possible statuses include:
    • Actions: List of actions you can perform on the HA group: Edit, Remove, Force Takeover, Enable, Disable.
      To perform an action, click on the desired action.