The following table outlines the different types of report content available in Cloud Edge Services.
Category Content Description
Internet Security
Malware Spyware Detection Trend
Displays the trend of malware/spyware detection counts during the customized period.
Top Infected Malware File Detections
Displays the top detections of infected malware file.
Infected Malware File Detections by Date
Displays detection counts of infected malware file for each date.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Malicious Sites
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have accessed malicious sites and have been detected.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Malware
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have occurred malware and have been detected.
Malicious Sites Detected by Date
Displays detection counts of malicious sites for each date.
Top Malicious Sites Detected
Displays the top detections of malicious sites.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Ransomware (Web Channel)
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected ransomware by web channel.
Ransomware (Web Channel) Detected by Date
Displays ransomware counts detected by web channel for each date.
Top Ransomware (Web Channel) Detected
Displays the top web sites containing ransomware.
Top Users/Groups Blocked by Ransomware (Email Channel)
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have blocked ransomware by email channel.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Ransomware (Network Channel)
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected ransomware by network channel.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Anti-Spam
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected spam by anti-spam engine.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Virtual Analyzer
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by virtual analyzer engine.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Suspicious Objects
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by suspicious object list from WFBSS (Cloud Edge Cloud Console can pull a list of suspicious objects from Worry Free Business Security Services (WFBSS) through Trend Micro Remote Manager). For details, refer to Suspicious Objects.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Mail Predictive Machine Learning
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by mail predictive machine learning.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Web Predictive Machine Learning
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by web predictive machine learning.
Top Users/Groups Detected by C&C Callbacks
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by C&C callbacks.
Top Users/Groups Detected by BEC Scanning
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by BEC scanning.
Top Users/Groups Detected by Anti-Phishing
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by anti-phishing.
Top IPS Detections
Displays the top IPS detections.
Top Users/Groups Detected by IPS
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups that have detected threats by IPS.
IPS Detections by Date
Displays IPS detection counts for each date.
Internet Access
Top Sites Visited
Shows the bar chart about the most commonly accessed website.
Top Users/Groups by Requests
Shows the bar chart about request counts of the top users/groups.
Top URL Categories Visited
Shows the bar chart about the most commonly accessed website categories.
Top Applications Visited
Shows the bar chart about the most commonly accessed applications.
Top Applications by Bandwidth
Shows the bar chart about the most commonly accessed applications by bandwidth.
Top Users/Groups by Bandwidth
Shows the bar chart about bandwidth of the top users/groups.
Policy Enforcement
Top Sites Blocked by URL Filtering
Shows the bar chart about the top sites blocked by URL filtering.
Top URL Categories Blocked
Shows the bar chart about the top URL categories blocked by URL filtering.
Top Applications Blocked
Shows the bar chart about the top applications blocked by URL filtering.
Top Users/Groups Enforced
Shows the bar chart about the top users/groups.