Purpose: View information about configured policy rules for Cloud Edge Cloud Console.
Location: Policies > Policy Rules


  1. View the policy rule information.
    • Rule name: The policy rule's name
    • Status: Current status for the policy rule
      Status can be Enabled (status-enabled-updat.png) or Disabled (status-disabled-upda.png).
    • Gateway Devices: List of standard/G3 gateways and Cloud Edge 50G2 gateways to which the policy rule is applied
      Two distinct icons are used to distinguish between the two types of gateways:
      • icon-gateway-older.jpg: Standard/G3 gateway
      • icon-gateway-new.jpg: Cloud Edge 50G2 gateway
        The Cloud Edge 50G2 gateway is a second-generation model with higher hardware and performance that runs on Cloud Edge 6.0 and later releases.
    • Interface Objects: List of interface objects to which the policy rule is applied
    • Identity objects: The list of identity objects
    • Services: The list of services
    • Content Types: The list of content types
    • Schedule: The schedule object applied to the policy rule
    • Action: The action to apply to scanned objects that match conditions for the policy rule
    • Security Profile: The list of actions to take for security profiles for that specific policy rule
    • Usage: Displays total usage for that policy rule
      Click on the usage number to see a summary of usage statistics. For more, see Usage Information for Policy Rules.
  2. Click any expansion icons (chevron-right.jpg) within a policy rule to view more information for that entry.