Purpose: Manage gateways from Cloud Edge Cloud Console.
Location: Gateways


  1. To manage gateways from Cloud Edge Cloud Console, you can do the following:
    • View information about the registered gateways.
    • Register a new gateway.
    • Import multiple gateways.
    • Create a new gateway group.
    • Search for a Cloud Edge device in the search box.
    • Choose the default security profile for a listed gateway.
      If a gateway is a member of an HA group, the primary gateway's security profile is used for both the primary and secondary gateway.
    • Perform select actions on a gateway.
      You cannot perform certain actions on gateways that are part of an HA group.
    • Click a gateway name to manage that gateway.
      Gateways can be either a standard/G3 gateway or a Cloud Edge 50G2 gateway.
      • icon-gateway-older.jpg: Standard/G3 gateway
      • icon-gateway-new.jpg: Cloud Edge 50G2 gateway
        The Cloud Edge 50G2 gateway is a second-generation model with higher hardware and performance that runs on Cloud Edge 6.0 and later releases.
      The gateways that you can modify from the Cloud Edge Cloud Console vary and available management tasks are dependent on the gateway model and deployment mode.
  2. Manage High Availability configurations for Cloud Edge gateways.
    • View information about existing HA groups.
    • Create one or more new HA groups.
      To create an HA group, you must have at least two gateways that support HA groups.
    • Enable an HA group.
    • Disable an HA group.
      • When disabled, the two Cloud Edge gateways are still paired to each other. You cannot use either of the gateways to create a new HA group.
      • End-user traffic might be down for a time depending on the user's network topology while the HA group is disabled.
    • Edit an existing HA group.
    • Perform a manual fail over (force takeover) for an existing HA group.
    • Remove an existing HA group.
    All management actions generate an audit log.