Purpose: Register gateways to control policies and view log statistics through Cloud Edge Cloud Console.
Location: Gateways


  1. Click Register New Gateway.
  2. Specify the gateway settings.
    • Display name
      Specify the name that appears in the cloud console for the new gateway.
    • Model
      Specify the Cloud Edge gateway hardware model.
    • Serial number
      Specify the Cloud Edge gateway serial number. Find the serial number on the gateway itself or on the gateway packaging. The serial number is alphanumeric with 12 digits separated by hyphens (example: 4C80-9315-3A0B).
  3. Click Save.
    It may take a few minutes for registration to complete.
    After registration, Cloud Edge Cloud Console deploys policies to the gateway. View log statistics through dashboard widgets, log analysis, and reports based on live traffic sent by the Cloud Edge gateway.