Purpose: Add or edit services to limit the port numbers applications can use.
Location: Policies > OTHER OBJECTS > Services > Add / Edit


  1. Specify a name.
  2. Specify an optional description.
  3. Select the protocol.
    • TCP
      Transmission Control Protocol
    • UDP
      User Datagram Protocol
    • ICMP
      Internet Control Message Protocol
    • ICMPv6
      Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6
      Cloud Edge supports IPv6 protocols if the Cloud Edge gateway is running in Bridge Mode or as a Software Switch deployment.
      You must choose IPv4 protocols for services used in Routing Mode deployments.
    For TCP and UDP, also specify the port details. The destination port can be a single port (22), multiple single ports (22, 23), as a range of ports (22-80), or any combination of those options. Specify up to 15 port segments.
    For ICMP, also specify the ICMP type [0-255] and the ICMP code [0-255]. Use a comma to separate multiple entries.
    For ICMPv6, also specify the ICMPv6 type [0-255] and the ICMPv6 code [0-255]. Use a comma to separate multiple entries.
  4. Optionally specify a description.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Verify the service appears in the objects list.