Purpose: Specify user accounts and associated passwords.
Location: Administration > USER & ACCOUNTS > Change User Profile


  1. Specify the full name.
  2. Enter the current password.
  3. Specify and confirm the new password.
    The password must be at least 8 characters and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number, and can optionally contain special characters.
    The following tips can help you create effective passwords:
    • Include special characters in your password
    • Avoid words found in any dictionary, of any language
    • Intentionally misspell words
    • Use phrases or combine words
  4. Click Save.
  5. Verify the profile changes by:
    • Verify full name changes by going to AdministrationUSER & ACCOUNTSAccounts Management.
    • Verify password changes by logging out and then logging back on Cloud Edge Cloud Console.