Purpose: Manage policy rules to control traffic that passes through registered gateways.
Location: Policies > Policy Rules


  1. Do the following:
    • View information about existing policy rules.
    • Click the expansion arrow located to the left of the rule name to view more details about the policy configuration for that rule.
    • Click Add to create a new rule.
      You can add a maximum of 200 rules.
    • Use Search at the top right to locate a rule.
    • Click Apply Filter to filter or clear filters based on particular gateway groups.
    • Click a rule's name to view or modify settings.
    • Select a rule and then click Edit to view or modify settings.
    • Select a rule and then click Move to change the rule order.
    • Select a rule and then click More to change the status or duplicate the rule.
    • Select a rule and then click Delete to remove the rule.