Review the following information to understand how Cloud Edge supports L3 VLANs.
  • Only L3 VLANs are supported.
    L2 VLANs are not supported for any deployment mode or model.
  • Cloud Edge supports 50 VLAN sub-interfaces with 4096 VLAN tags.
  • Locations to configure VLANS:
    • Cloud Edge Cloud Console: All interfaces except eth0 and eth1 (if supported for that deployment mode and model)
    • On-premises console: eth0 and eth1 (if supported for that deployment mode)
  • Considerations when editing or modifying VLANs:
    • VLAN mode can be either static or DHCP.
    • You cannot edit a VLAN if DHCP is enabled on that VLAN.
    • You cannot delete a VLAN if DHCP is enabled or NAT is used on that VLAN.
  • You can add VLAN interfaces when creating policy rules and when creating interface group policy objects.
  • For information specific to the deployment mode, see: