Purpose: Configure anti-malware profiles to bolster your gateway security against emerging threats.
Location: Policies > SECURITY PROFILES > Security Profiles > Anti-Malware


  1. Optionally enable the security profile.
  2. Optionally enable Smart Scan.
    The conventional anti-malware scanner scans any traffic that Smart Scan cannot scan. Cloud Edge uses conventional scanning if Smart Scan is disabled.
  3. Optionally enable Predictive Machine Learning.
    If both Smart Scan and Predictive Machine learning are enabled, web traffic will be scanned by Smart Scan first and then by Predictive Machine Learning. Priority: Smart Scan > Predictive Machine Learning
    Smart Scan Predictive Machine Learning Scan Engine Used
    Disable Enable Use Predictive Machine Learning scan engine
    Enable Disable Use Smart Scan engine
    Enable Enable
    Use both Smart Scan and Predictive Machine Learning
    Web traffic will be scanned by Smart Scan first and then by Predictive Machine Learning.
  4. Configure file extensions that bypass scanning.
    • Approved file extensions
      Enter file extensions as a case-insensitive, comma-delimited list (example: png,gif,jpg).
      URLs ending with listed file extensions are allowed without malware scanning.
    • Blocked file extension
      URLs ending with selected file extensions are blocked without scanning.
  5. Click Save.
    In order to scan HTTPS traffic for malware, you must enable HTTPS decryption for your security profile.