Purpose: Install Cloud Edge gateway updates.
Location: Gateways > (gateway name) > Updates


  1. Click Update Now under the Action column for the available update that you want to install.
    To know more about the current update, click the Readme link.
    If the update has any dependency on any other file, Cloud Edge will install that file automatically.
    For HA groups, an update (manual or scheduled) occurs in a specific order — the standby gateway is updated first, followed by a failover from the primary to the secondary. After failover completes, the primary is updated. Then another failover returns the primary to active status. There is no network outage during this process.
    If a gateway is part of an HA group and one of the gateways is offline or the HA group is in a split brain status, manual updates are disallowed to the HA group gateways.