When creating a Cloud Edge HA group, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) groups are created as part of the HA Group configuration.
  • Due to the fact that the WAN side might connect to a router directly, Cloud Edge only supports LAN–side virtual IP addressing. The primary and secondary gateways each have their own WAN configuration.
  • You can select either an L3 physical interface or a static L3 VLAN interface, depending on the configuration:
    • Both gateways unregistered: Only physical interface can be selected
    • Both gateways registered: Either physical interface or VLAN interface can be selected
      The VLAN interface must exist in both gateways.
    • Primary gateway registered, secondary unregistered: Only physical interface can be selected
    • A physical interface/VLAN interface can be used in only one VRRP group.
    • WAN interface cannot be used in VRRP group.
  • Only IPv4 virtual IP addresses are supported for the VRRP groups.