Purpose: Manage SLAs to measure the health of links connected to SD-WAN member interfaces.
Location: Gateways > (Selected Gateway) > SD-WAN > SLAs


  1. Do the following:
    • Select an SLA and view information about it by clicking the Latency, Jitter, or Packet Loss buttons.
    • Use Search at the top right of the lower pane to search for an SLA.
    • Click Add to create a new SLA.
    • Select an SLA and then click Edit to modify the SLA settings or click an SLA name to edit the SLA.
    • Select an SLA and then click Delete to remove the SLA.
    On the SLA configuration page, Cloud Edge Cloud Console provides a step-by-step UI for the user to configure SLAs. Pay attention to the following when you configure SLAs.
    • Configure the SLA name and Monitor Server. The server can be either FQDN or IP address.
    • You can configure a maximum of two monitor servers.
      If you configure two monitor servers, the first server will have a higher priority. On Cloud Edge Cloud Console, by default, the displayed SLA data is data of the first server. If the first server is down, it will check if the second server is reachable. If yes, it will use the SLA data of the second server. If both servers are unreachable, it means the SLA is down.
    • The detection types to be configured include PING and HTTP.
      Some servers ban PING or HTTP, so when you configure a monitor server, confirm that the monitor server allows PING or HTTP.