Import a CSV file containing a list of user accounts to the Hosted Users screen on the management console. The file is generated when:
  • You previously exported a list of user accounts to a file.
  • You deleted a domain on the Directory Services screen. A list of hosted users belonging to the domain is exported to a file and sent to your Trend Micro CLP account.
  • You downloaded a sample file from the user interface and then populated it with your data.
Imported user accounts have the User role. After the import, you can change the role from the management console as necessary.


  1. Go to AdministrationUSERS & AUTHENTICATIONHosted Users.
  2. Click Import/Export User Accounts.
  3. In the window that appears, select Import (from a CSV file), click Choose File, and locate the CSV file containing a list of user accounts.
    If you do not have a CSV file, click Download the sample file, populate the file with your data, and then repeat the preceding steps. The following are the CSV file columns and the data you need to specify:
    • Email: (Required) Email address of the account owner
    • Full Name: (Required) Display name of the user account
    • Password: If empty, TMWS generates a random password. The account owner clicks the link in the welcome email message to set a permanent password.
    • Department: (Optional) If the department does not exist on the management console, it will be created automatically.
    • Send email: (Optional) "Yes" if the account owner will receive a welcome email message. An empty field means "No". Type "Yes" if you did not specify a password.
    • Group: (Optional) Add one group per column. If the groups do not exist on the management console, they will be automatically created.
  4. Select Overwrite the existing user accounts to update an existing user account (identified by the email address) with data in the CSV file. If you do not select this check box, the same user account in the CSV file will be ignored.
    The passwords of existing user accounts are not updated, even if you select the check box. If the role of an existing user account is Administrator, the same account in the CSV file will be ignored.
  5. Click Import.