Identify your organization's Internet gateways to verify that traffic forwarded by users to TMWS is from your network. You can require users to supply their authentication (logon) credentials to verify their identity and monitor their web activities.
Configuring Internet gateways provides the following benefits:
  • Allows HTTP traffic from non-browser applications.
  • Enables configured cloud access rules and reports on each gateway.
  • Records gateway locations in Internet access logs.
If TMWS cannot authenticate a user forwarding traffic from recognized gateways, the traffic will still be allowed but the user will be recorded in the logs using its client IP address.
When traffic comes from unrecognized gateways (for example, roaming users who connect to the Internet), TMWS forces users to supply their authentication (logon) credentials to verify their identity.
TMWS keeps a user's authentication cookie for 30 days starting from when the user supplies the credential, that is, username and password. When the 30-day period expires, TMWS needs to re-authenticate the user by requesting the user to supply the credential again.