Approved URLs are websites that you consider trustworthy. As such, they are not subject to any policy and users are always allowed to visit them. Blocked URLs are websites that you do not want users to visit.
Approved and blocked URLs apply to all users and cannot be customized for specific users or groups.
For more information about the URLs, see About Approved/Blocked URL Lists.
You can add URLs to the Approved or Blocked URLs list on the TMWS management console.
If your TMWS is being monitored on Trend Micro Remote Manager, your reseller administrator can configure a policy for TMWS approved/blocked URLs lists on the Remote Manager web console, and then deploy them to your TMWS in one batch deployment. The URLs are shown on the Approved/Blocked URLs screen, together with those you add on this screen, based on the criterion configured in the policy on Remote Manager. For details, see "Configuring the Approved/Blocked URLs List for Trend Micro Web Security" in the Trend Micro Remote Manager Online Help.


  1. Go to PoliciesApproved/Blocked URLs.
  2. Configure the approved and blocked URLs.
    Add a URL to Approved or Blocked URLs
    1. Select a URL match mode. For information about the match modes and how to configure them correctly, see Match Modes for Approved/Blocked URLs.
    2. Type a URL based on the match mode selected, separating multiple URLs with spaces.
    3. Click Add to Approved or Add to Blocked to add the URL to Approved URLs or Blocked URLs as necessary.
    Remove a URL from Approved or Blocked URLs
    select a URL and click Delete.
    Import URLs to Approved or Blocked URLs
    1. Click Import/Export URLs.
    2. On the Import/Export URLs screen that appears, select Import, choose the file to import, and then click Import.
      TMWS currently supports importing approved/blocked URLs from a comma-separated values (CSV) file only. To ensure the success of the import, we strongly recommend that you download the sample file to view the required file headers.
      The Approved URLs and Blocked URLs areas automatically populate with the related data from the file.
    3. Click Close.
  3. Click Save.
  4. (Optionally) Export the approved and blocked URLs:
    1. Click Import/Export URLs.
    2. On the Import/Export URLs screen that appears, select Export and then click Export. The URLs are exported to the browser's default download location.
      TMWS currently supports exporting approved/blocked URLs in a comma-separated values (CSV) file only.