Use Active Directory GPO (Group Policy Object) to enforce the use of a PAC file for traffic forwarding.

Windows Server 2012 GPO Creation

Create an Active Directory GPO (Group Policy Object) in Windows Server 2012 to enforce the use of the PAC file.


  1. Log on to the Active Directory server as an administrator.
  2. Go to Start > Server Manager > Tools > Group Policy Management.
    The Group Policy Management window appears.
  3. From the left navigation tree, go to Forest: [your forest] > Domains > [your domain], right-click [your domain], and then select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here....
    The New GPO window appears.
  4. Type a name for the new Group Policy Object in the Name text box and click OK.
    The newly created GPO displays under Group Policy Objects.
  5. Right-click the GPO and select Edit.
    The Group Policy Management Editor window appears.
  6. From the left navigation tree, go to User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Internet Settings, right-click Internet Settings, and then select New > Internet Explorer 10.
    The New Internet Explorer 10 Properties window appears.
  7. Click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
    The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window appears.
  8. Type the PAC file address as necessary, for example,, in the Address text box under Use automatic configuration script, and then press F5 to enable the setting (The red dotted line turns to a green solid line.).
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Windows Server 2016 GPO Creation

Create an Active Directory GPO (Group Policy Object) in Windows Server 2016 to enforce the use of the PAC file.
This procedure also applies to Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022.


  1. Log on to the Active Directory server as an administrator.
  2. Go to Start > Server Manager > Tools > Group Policy Management.
    The Group Policy Management window appears.
  3. From the left navigation tree, go to Forest: [your forest] > Domains > [your domain], right-click [your domain], and then select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here....
    The New GPO window appears.
  4. Type a name for the new Group Policy Object in the Name text box and click OK.
    The newly created GPO displays under Group Policy Objects.
  5. Right-click the GPO and select Edit.
    The Group Policy Management Editor window appears.
  6. From the left navigation tree, go to User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Internet Settings, right-click Internet Settings, and then select New > Internet Explorer 10.
    The New Internet Explorer 10 Properties window appears.
  7. Click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
    The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window appears.
  8. Type the PAC file address as necessary, for example,, in the Address text box under Use automatic configuration script, and then press F5 to enable the setting (The red dotted line turns to a green solid line.).
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Apply, and then click OK.