When you add, edit, or duplicate an alert from the Administrator Alerts screen, a new screen opens, where you can specify the settings for the alert.


  1. Go to AdministrationADMINISTRATOR ALERTSAdministrator Alerts, and click Add or select an existing alert under Alert Name.
  2. Configure the following:
    Alert name
    Display name
    Click On or Off.
    If you no longer need an alert, delete it, instead of turning it off.
  3. Under Alert Settings:
    Alert type
    Select the type of event that will trigger an alert.
    Specify whether the alert covers the entire organization, all gateways, or all departments.
    Gateways are configured in Gateways . Departments are configured while adding or editing an account in AdministrationUSERS & AUTHENTICATIONHosted Users.
    When a system-related alert type is selected, Scope is fixed to Organization.
    Specify one of the following according to the alert type you selected:
    • For on-premises gateway: Period of time that an on-premises gateway is offline
    • For other events: Number of events (maximum 999) within a specified period of time that would trigger the alert
    The default period of time is set to 5 minutes.
    Alert recipients
    Type the email address of the alert recipient. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
  4. Click Save.
    The Administrator Alerts screen re-appears, showing details for the alert.