The Enforcement Agent can be installed on Windows or macOS computers. Once installed, the agent does the following:
  • Ensures that the system proxy is set to the specified PAC file. The Enforcement Agent will change the system proxy back if it is changed.
  • Enforces the Firefox proxy setting Use system proxy settings.
    • On a Windows computer, TMWS locks this setting to prevent users from changing it.
    • On a macOS computer, if the setting changes, the Enforcement Agent notifies the user to revert to the enforced setting. If the user does nothing after one minute, Firefox closes.
  • Stops processes configured by an administrator. The Enforcement Agent by default will not close any processes.
  • (Windows-based Enforcement Agent only) Installs with an HTTP local proxy, which becomes the default system proxy after the agent is installed. The local proxy handles traffic that would normally be forwarded to the TMWS cloud-based proxy ( This includes traffic for installed browsers and applications that leverage the system proxy. This mechanism addresses the limitations of cookie-based authentication.
    • For Intranet traffic, the local proxy forwards the traffic directly to the Intranet destination.
    • For Internet traffic, if TMWS has not authenticated the user previously, the local proxy forwards the traffic to the cloud-based proxy for authentication. If the authentication was successful, the cloud-based proxy sends user identity information back to the local proxy so that succeeding traffic bypasses authentication, thus improving efficiency.


  1. Configure the Enforcement Agent settings and download the installation package.
  2. Deploy the Enforcement Agent to individual computers, or use a software distribution tool to deploy the agent to multiple computer.
  3. View the Enforcement Agent information on a computer.
  4. Optionally perform the following as necessary:
    • Update the Enforcement Agent.
    • Disable and re-enable the Enforcement Agent.
    • Uninstall the Enforcement Agent.