Configure the messages that display on a page when users' HTTP or HTTPS requests are blocked by certain policies configured by TMWS. Administrators can customize their organization's own user notifications to display on the page.


  1. Go to PoliciesUser Notifications.
  2. Select one of the following notifications.
    Cloud Access Rule Block Notification
    Displays when access to a website was blocked by a cloud access rule.
    Cloud Access Rule Warning Notification
    Displays when access to a website triggers a cloud access rule that displays a warning page to the user.
    Cloud Access Rule Override Notification
    Displays when access to a website triggers a cloud access rule that requires the user to provide a correct password to access the website.
    Threat Protection Notification
    Displays when access to a website was blocked by a Threat Protection template used by a cloud access rule.
    Data Loss Prevention Notification
    Displays when access to a website was blocked by a Data Loss Prevention profile used by a cloud access rule.
    Blocked URLs Notification
    Displays when access to a website was blocked because the URL is in the Blocked URLs list.
    HTTPS Certificate Verification Failure Notification
    Displays when access to a website was not allowed because of an untrusted certificate.
    HTTPS Certificate Verification Failure Warning Notification
    Displays when access to a website was not allowed and triggers displaying a warning page to the user.
  3. Modify the notification messages as necessary.
    User notification messages support HTML tags to customize the appearance of the message and provide links to other resources. Tags are not case sensitive.
    Trend Micro Web Security automatically translates default notification messages into the language configured for your Web Security interface.
    Cloud Proxy:
    • Uses the browser language
    • Supports only English and Japanese
    • Defaults to English for all other languages
    On-Premises Gateway:
    • Translates notifications to the installation language
    Custom notification messages are not translated.
    1. Type in the Headline area the header line to appear in the browser. By default, the headline is Trend Micro Web Security plus the name of the notification event.
    2. Customize the Description part as necessary.
    3. Customize the tags by selecting one or several from the following as necessary:
      • URL: %URL%
      • Policy Name: %POLICY_NAME%
      • User: %USER%
      • Gateway Locations: %GATEWAY_NAME%
      • URL Category: %URL_CATEGORY%
      • Application Category: %APP_CATEGORY%
      • MIME Type: %MIME_TYPE%
      • File Name: %FILE_NAME%
      • True File Type: %TRUE_FILE_TYPE%
      • WRS Score: %WRS_SCORE%
      • Virus Name: %VIRUS_NAME%
      • Unscannable Type Name: %UNSCANNABLE_TYPE_NAME%
      • Botnet Name: %BOTNET_NAME%
      • Threat Protection Template Name: %ATP_SECURITY_PROFILE_NAME%
      • Reason: %REASON%
      • Domain Name: %DOMAIN%
      • User Group: %USER_GROUP%
      • Server IP Address: %SERVER_IP%
      • SHA-1: %SHA1%
      • Cloud Service Filter: %CLOUD_SERVICE_FILTER%
  4. Click Save.
  5. (Optional) To reset the notification message, click Reset.