TMWS integrates with Trend Micro Apex Central™ and supports Apex Central 2019.
Apex Central is a software management solution that gives you the ability to control antivirus and content security programs from a central location, regardless of the program's physical location or platform. This application can simplify the administration of a corporate antivirus and content security policy.
Apex Central consolidates your organization's Suspicious Object lists and synchronizes them (excluding exceptions) among integrated managed products. After TMWS is registered to Apex Central, Apex Central automatically synchronizes the suspicious objects with TMWS at a scheduled time interval. Besides its own scanning mechanisms and policies, TMWS can choose to implement these suspicious objects during threat scanning.
In this version,
  • TMWS only uses the Virtual Analyzer suspicious objects synchronized from Apex Central, but not the User Defined suspicious objects.
  • TMWS uses the Virtual Analyzer suspicious objects synchronized from Apex Central to detect threats, but does not send the corresponding detection logs back to Apex Central.
Before you begin configuring this feature, make sure that:
  • You have a Trend Micro™ Customer Licensing Portal™ (CLP) or Trend Micro™ Licensing Management Platform™ (LMP) account, and both TMWS and Apex Central are activated and available for use.
  • You have configured distribution settings on your Apex Central to enable it to consolidate and send suspicious objects to TMWS. For details, see Configuring Distribution Settings in the "Apex Central Online Help".
Synchronization terminates when TMWS is unregistered from Apex Central or synchronization is disabled on Apex Central. The suspicious objects will be cleared and no longer apply during scanning.
If your license expires, TMWS continues synchronizing the suspicious objects with Apex Central and maintaining them in its database until the deprovision period of your license. After that, all data is cleared.
This section describes how to register TMWS to and unregister it from Apex Central.


  1. Register TMWS to Apex Central.
    1. In Apex Central, go to AdministrationManaged ServersServer Registration.
    2. Under Server Type, select Trend Micro Web Security.
    3. Click Cloud Service Settings.
    4. Type the LMP logon URL, for example,<tenant-id>, if you are using an LMP account. tenant-id is your company's Tenant ID. You can confirm the URL from the registration email message you received.
      CLP users do not need to type the CLP logon URL.
    5. Specify your LMP or CLP account credentials and click OK.
      The TMWS server appears in the list.
  2. Optionally unregister TMWS from Apex Central.
    1. On the Server Registration screen, select Trend Micro Web Security under Server Type, and then Click Cloud Service Settings.
    2. On the Cloud Service Settings screen that appears, click Unregister cloud services from Apex Central.
    3. Click Yes on the confirmation screen that appears.