OfficeScan Firewall Logs Parent topic

Enabling Debug Logging for the Common Firewall Driver on Windows Vista/Server 2008/7/Server 2012/8 Computers Parent topic


  1. Modify the following registry values:
    Registry Key
    • Type: DWORD value (REG_DWORD)
    • Name: DebugCtrl
    • Value: 0x00001111
    • Type: DWORD value (REG_DWORD)
    • Name: DebugCtrl
    • Value: 0x00001111
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Check wfp_log.txt and lwf_log.txt in C:\.

Enabling Debug Logging for the Common Firewall Driver on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Computers Parent topic


  1. Add the following data in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmcfw\Parameters:
    • Type: DWORD value (REG_DWORD)
    • Name: DebugCtrl
    • Value: 0x00001111
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Check cfw_log.txt in C:\.

Disabling Debug Logging for the Common Firewall Driver (all operating systems) Parent topic


  1. Delete "DebugCtrl" in the registry key.
  2. Restart the computer.

Enabling Debug Logging for the OfficeScan NT Firewall Service Parent topic


  1. Edit TmPfw.ini located in <Client installation folder> as follows:
  2. Reload the client.
  3. Check ddmmyyyy_NSC_TmPfw.log in C:\temp.

Disabling Debug Logging for the OfficeScan NT Firewall Service Parent topic


  1. Open TmPfw.ini and change the "Enable" value from 1 to 0.
  2. Reload the OfficeScan client.