Initiating Scan Now Parent topic

Initiate Scan Now on computers that you suspect to be infected.


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersClient Management.
  2. In the client tree, click the root domain icon (icon_root-21.bmp) to include all clients or select specific domains or clients.
  3. Click TasksScan Now.
  4. To change the pre-configured Scan Now settings before initiating the scan, click Settings.
    The Scan Now Settings screen opens. See Scan Now for details.
  5. In the client tree, select the clients that will perform scanning and then click Initiate Scan Now.
    If you do not select any client, OfficeScan automatically notifies all clients in the client tree.
    The server sends a notification to the clients.
  6. Check the notification status and see if there are clients that did not receive the notification.
  7. Click Select Un-notified Computers and then Initiate Scan Now to immediately resend the notification to un-notified clients.
    Example: Total number of clients: 50

    Un-notified Client Scenarios

    Client Tree Selection
    Notified Clients (after clicking "Initiate Scan Now")
    Un-notified Clients
    None (all 50 clients automatically selected)
    35 out of 50 clients
    15 clients
    Manual selection (45 out of 50 clients selected)
    40 out of 45 clients
    5 clients + another 5 clients not included in the manual selection
  8. Click Stop Notification to prompt OfficeScan to stop notifying clients currently being notified. Clients already notified and in the process of scanning will ignore this command.
  9. For clients already in the process of scanning, click Stop Scan Now to notify them to stop scanning.