Client Tree General Tasks Parent topic

Below are the general tasks you can perform when the client tree displays:


  • Click the root domain icon (icon_root-17.bmp) to select all domains and clients. When you select the root domain icon and then choose a task above the client tree, a screen for configuring settings displays. On the screen, choose from the following general options:
    • Apply to All Clients: Applies settings to all existing clients and to any new client added to an existing/future domain. Future domains are domains not yet created at the time you configure the settings.
    • Apply to Future Domains Only: Applies settings only to clients added to future domains. This option will not apply settings to new clients added to an existing domain.
  • To select multiple, adjacent domains or clients:
    • From the right panel, select the first domain, press and hold the SHIFT key, and then click the last domain or client in the range.
  • To select a range of non-contiguous domains or clients, from the right panel, press and hold the CTRL key and then click the domains or clients that you want to select.
  • Search for a client to manage by specifying the client name in the Search for computers text box. The domain with a list of all the clients in that domain displays, with the specified client name highlighted. To go to the next client, click Search again. For more search options, click Advanced Search.
    IPv6 or IPv4 addresses cannot be specified when searching for specific clients. Use Advanced Search to search by IPv4 or IPv6 address. For details, see Advanced Search Options.
  • After selecting a domain, the client tree table expands to show the clients belonging to the domain and all the columns containing relevant information for each client. To view only a set of related columns, select an item in the client tree view.
    • View all: Shows all columns
    • Update view: Shows all the components and programs
    • Antivirus view: Shows antivirus components
    • Anti-spyware view: Shows anti-spyware components
    • Data protection view: Shows the status of the Data Protection module on clients
    • Firewall view: Shows firewall components
    • Smart protection view: Shows the scan method used by clients (conventional or smart scan) and smart protection components
    • Update Agent view: Shows information for all Update Agents managed by the OfficeScan server
  • Rearrange columns by dragging the column titles to different positions in the client tree. OfficeScan automatically saves the new column positions.
  • Sort clients based on column information by clicking the column name.
  • Refresh the client tree by clicking the refresh icon (refresh_icon-2.gif).
  • View client statistics below the client tree, such as the total number of clients, number of smart scan clients, and number of conventional scan clients.