Scan Types Parent topic

OfficeScan provides the following scan types to protect OfficeScan client computers from security risks:

Scan Types

Scan Type
Real-time Scan
Automatically scans a file on the computer as it is received, opened, downloaded, copied, or modified
See Real-time Scan for details.
Manual Scan
A user-initiated scan that scans a file or a set of files requested by the user
See Manual Scan for details.
Scheduled Scan
Automatically scans files on the computer based on the schedule configured by the administrator or end user
See Scheduled Scan for details.
Scan Now
An administrator-initiated scan that scans files on one or several target computers
See Scan Now for details.
Intensive scanning
An automatically initiated scan that provides heightened scanning for probable malware on computers determined to be high risks
See Intensive Scanning for details.