Managing Access to External Devices (Data Protection Activated) Parent topic


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersClient Management.
  2. In the client tree, click the root domain icon (icon_root-23.bmp) to include all clients or select specific domains or clients.
  3. Click SettingsDevice Control Settings.
  4. Click the External Clients tab to configure settings for external clients or the Internal Clients tab to configure settings for internal clients.
  5. Select Enable Device Control.
  6. Apply settings as follows:
    • If you are on the External Clients tab, you can apply settings to internal clients by selecting Apply all settings to internal clients.
    • If you are on the Internal Clients tab, you can apply settings to external clients by selecting Apply all settings to external clients.
  7. Choose to allow or block the AutoRun function (autorun.inf) on USB storage devices.
  8. Configure settings for storage devices.
    1. Select a permission for each storage device. For details about permissions, see Permissions for Storage Devices.
    2. If the permission for USB storage devices is Block, configure a list of approved devices. Users can access these devices and you can control the level of access using permissions. See Configuring an Approved List of USB Devices.
  9. For each non-storage device, select Allow or Block.
  10. If you selected domain(s) or client(s) in the client tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:
    • Apply to All Clients: Applies settings to all existing clients and to any new client added to an existing/future domain. Future domains are domains not yet created at the time you configured the settings.
    • Apply to Future Domains Only: Applies settings only to clients added to future domains. This option will not apply settings to new clients added to an existing domain.