Deployment of Data Protection to Clients Parent topic

Deploy the Data Protection module to OfficeScan clients after activating its license. After the deployment, OfficeScan clients will start to use Data Loss Prevention and Device Control.
  • By default, the module is disabled on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012 to prevent impacting the performance of the host machine. If you want to enable the module, monitor the system’s performance constantly and take the necessary action when you notice a drop in performance.
    You can enable or disable the module from the web console. For details, see OfficeScan Client Services.
  • If the Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention software already exists on the endpoint, OfficeScan will not replace it with the Data Protection module.
  • Only Device Control can be deployed to pure IPv6 clients. Data Loss Prevention does not work on pure IPv6 clients.
  • Online clients install the Data Protection module immediately. Offline and roaming clients install the module when they become online.
  • Users must restart their computers to finish installing Data Loss Prevention drivers. Inform users about the restart ahead of time.
  • Trend Micro recommends enabling debug logging to help you troubleshoot deployment issues. For details, see Data Protection Debug Logs.