OfficeScan Client Services Parent topic

The OfficeScan client runs the services listed in the following table. You can view the status of these services from Microsoft Management Console.

OfficeScan client Services

Features Controlled
Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service (TMBMSRV.exe)
  • Behavior Monitoring
  • Device Control
  • Certified Safe Software Service
  • OfficeScan client Self-protection
OfficeScan client Self-protection prevents OfficeScan client services from being terminated when they are enabled and running.
OfficeScan NT Firewall (TmPfw.exe)
OfficeScan firewall
OfficeScan Data Protection Service (dsagent.exe)
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Device Control
OfficeScan NT Listener (tmlisten.exe)
Communication between the OfficeScan client and OfficeScan server
OfficeScan NT Proxy Service (TmProxy.exe)
  • Web reputation
  • POP3 mail scan
OfficeScan NT RealTime Scan (ntrtscan.exe)
  • Real-time Scan
  • Scheduled Scan
  • Manual Scan/Scan Now
The following services provide robust protection but their monitoring mechanisms can strain system resources, especially on servers running system-intensive applications:
  • Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service (TMBMSRV.exe)
  • OfficeScan NT Firewall (TmPfw.exe)
  • OfficeScan Data Protection Service (dsagent.exe)
For this reason, these services are disabled by default on server platforms (Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012). If you want to enable these services:
  • Monitor the system’s performance constantly and take the necessary action when you notice a drop in performance.
  • For TMBMSRV.exe, you can enable the service if you exempt system-intensive applications from Behavior Monitoring policies. You can use a performance tuning tool to identify system intensive applications. For details, see Using the Trend Micro Performance Tuning Tool.
For desktop platforms, disable the services only if you notice a significant drop in performance.