Running a DHCP Scan Parent topic


  1. Configure DHCP settings in the TMVS.ini file found under the following folder: <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\TMVS.

    DHCP Settings in the TMVS.ini File

    Specify the thread number for DHCP mode. The minimum is 3, the maximum is 100. The default value is 3.
    This is the delay time in seconds before checking the requesting computer for installed antivirus software.
    The minimum is 0 (do not wait) and the maximum is 600. The default value is 60.
    0 disables logging, 1 enables logging.
    Vulnerability Scanner sends the results of the scan to the OfficeScan server. Logs display in the System Event Logs screen on the web console.
    This is the OfficeScan server's IP address or DNS name.
    This is the web server port on the OfficeScan server.
  2. To run a vulnerability scan on the OfficeScan server computer, navigate to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\TMVS and double-click TMVS.exe. The Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner console appears.
    1. On the OfficeScan server computer, navigate to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility.
    2. Copy the TMVS folder to the other computer.
    3. On the other computer, open the TMVS folder and then double-click TMVS.exe.
      The Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner console appears.
    You cannot launch the tool from Terminal Server.
  3. Under the Manual Scan section, click Settings.
    The Settings screen appears.
  4. Configure the following settings:
    1. Product query: Vulnerability Scanner can check for the presence of security software on the target host machines. For details, see Product Query.
    2. OfficeScan server settings: Configure these settings if you want Vulnerability Scanner to automatically install the OfficeScan client to unprotected host machines. These settings identify the OfficeScan client’s parent server and the administrative credentials used to log on to the host machines. For details, see OfficeScan Server Settings.
      Certain conditions may prevent the installation of the OfficeScan client to the target host machines. For details, see Guidelines When Installing the OfficeScan Client Using Vulnerability Scanner.
    3. Notifications: Vulnerability Scanner can send the vulnerability scan results to OfficeScan administrators. It can also display notifications on unprotected host machines. For details, see Notifications.
    4. Save results: In addition to sending the vulnerability scan results to administrators, Vulnerability Scan can also save the results to a .csv file. For details, see Vulnerability Scan Results.
  5. Click OK.
    The Settings screen closes.
  6. In the Results table, click the DHCP Scan tab.
    The DHCP Scan tab is not available on computers running Windows Server 2008,Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012.
  7. Click Start.
    Vulnerability Scanner begins listening for DHCP requests and performing vulnerability checks on computers as they log on to the network.
  8. To save the results to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, click Export, locate the folder where you want to save the file, type the file name, and click Save.