Rolling Back the OfficeScan Server Parent topic

The rollback procedure for the OfficeScan server requires that administrators manually stop Windows services, update the system registry, and replace OfficeScan server files in the OfficeScan installation directory.


  1. On the OfficeScan server computer, stop the following services:
    • Intrusion Defense Firewall (if installed)
    • Trend Micro Local Web Classification Server
    • Trend Micro Smart Scan Server
    • OfficeScan Active Directory Integration Service
    • OfficeScan Control Manager Agent
    • OfficeScan Plug-in Manager
    • OfficeScan Master Service
    • Apache 2 (if using the Apache web server)
    • World Wide Web Publishing Service (if using the IIS web server)
  2. Copy and replace all files and directories from the <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Backup\ServicePack3_<build_number>\ directory to the <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\ directory.
  3. Click Start, type regedit, and press ENTER.
    The Registry Editor screen appears.
  4. In the left navigation pane, select the one of the following registry keys:
    • For 32-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\service
    • For 64-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\Officescan\service
  5. Go to FileImport....
  6. Select the RegBak_ServicePack3_<build_number>.reg file located in the <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Backup\ directory.
  7. Click Yes to restore all of the previous OfficeScan version keys.
  8. Open a command line editor (click Start and type cmd.exe) and type the following commands to reset the Local Web Classification Server performance counter:
    cd <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\LWCS
    regsvr32.exe /u /s perfLWCSPerfMonMgr.dll
    regsvr32.exe /s perfLWCSPerfMonMgr.dll
  9. Restart the following services:
    • Intrusion Defense Firewall (if installed)
    • Trend Micro Local Web Classification Server
    • Trend Micro Smart Scan Server
    • OfficeScan Active Directory Integration Service
    • OfficeScan Control Manager Agent
    • OfficeScan Plug-in Manager
    • OfficeScan Master Service
    • Apache 2 (if using the Apache web server)
    • World Wide Web Publishing Service (if using the IIS web server)
  10. Clean the Internet Explorer cache and remove ActiveX controls manually. For details on removing ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer 9, see
    The OfficeScan server has been restored to the previously installed version.
    Administrators can confirm a successful rollback by checking the OfficeScan version number on the About screen (HelpAbout).
  11. After confirming that OfficeScan rolled back successfully, delete the following in the <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Backup\ directory:
    • Folder: ServicePack3_<SP3_build_number>
    • File: RegBak_ServicePack3_<SP3_build_number>.reg