Installation Method
Web install page and browser-based installation
The URL to the installation page includes
the OfficeScan server’s host name
or its IP address.
If you
are installing to a pure IPv6 client,
the server must be dual-stack or pure IPv6 and its host name or
IPv6 address must be part of the URL.
For dual-stack clients, the IPv6
address that displays in the installation status screen depends
on the option selected in the Preferred IP Address section
of .
Client Packager
When running the packager tool, you will
need to choose whether to assign Update Agent privileges to the client. Remember that a
pure IPv6 Update Agent can distribute updates only to pure IPv6
or dual-stack clients.
Security Compliance, Vulnerability Scanner, and
remote installation
A pure IPv6 server cannot install the OfficeScan client on pure IPv4
endpoints. Similarly, a pure IPv4 server cannot install the OfficeScan client on pure IPv6