Configuring Administrator Notification Settings Parent topic


  1. Navigate to NotificationsAdministrator NotificationsGeneral Settings.
  2. Configure email notification settings.
    1. Specify either an IPv4/IPv6 address or computer name in the SMTP server field.
    2. Specify a port number between 1 and 65535.
    3. Specify an email address.
      If you want to enable ESMTP in the next step, specify a valid email address.
    4. Optionally enable ESMTP.
    5. Specify the user name and password for the email address you specified in the From field.
    6. Choose a method for authenticating the client to the server:
      • Login: Login is an older version of the mail user agent. The server and client both use BASE64 to authenticate the username and password.
      • Plain Text: Plain Text is the easiest to use but can also be unsafe because the username and password are sent as one string and BASE64 encoded before being sent over the Internet.
      • CRAM-MD5: CRAM-MD5 uses a combination of a challenge-response authentication mechanism and a cryptographic Message Digest 5 algorithm to exchange and authenticate information.
  3. Configure pager notification settings.
    1. For the Pager number field, the following characters are allowed:
      • 0 to 9
      • #
      • *
      • ,
    2. Specify a COM port between 1 and 16.
  4. Configure SNMP Trap notification settings.
    1. Specify either an IPv4/IPv6 address or computer name in the Server IP address field.
    2. Specify a community name that is difficult to guess.
  5. Click Save.