Configuring the Firewall Profile List Parent topic


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersFirewallProfiles.
  2. For users using the built-in administrator account or users with full management permissions, optionally enable the Overwrite client security level exception list option to replace the OfficeScan client profile settings with the server settings.
  3. To add a new profile, click Add. To edit an existing profile, select the profile name.
    A profile configuration screen appears. See Adding and Editing a Firewall Profile more information.
  4. To delete an existing policy, select the check box next to the policy and click Delete.
  5. To change the order of profiles in the list, select the check box next to the profile to move, and then click Move Up or Move Down.
    OfficeScan applies firewall profiles to OfficeScan clients in the order in which the profiles appear in the profile list. For example, if a client matches the first profile, OfficeScan applies the actions configured for that profile to the client. OfficeScan ignores the other profiles configured for that client.
    The more exclusive a policy, the better it is at the top of the list. For example, move a policy you create for a single client to the top, followed by those for a range of clients, a network domain, and all clients.
  6. To manage reference servers, click Edit Reference Server List. Reference servers are computers that act as substitutes for the OfficeScan server when it applies firewall profiles. A reference server can be any computer on the network (see Reference Servers for more information). OfficeScan makes the following assumptions when you enable reference servers:
    • OfficeScan clients connected to reference servers are online, even if the clients cannot communicate with the OfficeScan server.
    • Firewall profiles applied to online OfficeScan clients also apply to OfficeScan clients connected to reference servers.
    Only users using the built-in administrator account or those with full management permissions can see and configure the reference server list.
  7. To save the current settings and assign the profiles to OfficeScan clients:
    1. Select whether to Overwrite client security level/exception list. This option overwrites all user-configured firewall settings.
    2. Click Assign Profile to Clients. OfficeScan assigns all profiles on the profile list to all the OfficeScan clients.
  8. To verify that you successfully assigned profiles to OfficeScan clients:
    1. Go to Networked ComputersClient Management. In the client tree view drop-down box, select Firewall view.
    2. Ensure that a green check mark exists under the Firewall column in the client tree. If the policy associated with the profile enables the Intrusion Detection System, a green check mark also exists under the IDS column.
    3. Verify that the client applied the correct firewall policy. The policy appears under the Firewall Policy column in the client tree.