Logging on to PolicyServer MMC Parent topic

Configure the Enterprise name and the Enterprise Administrator account during PolicyServer installation. For information about the free 30-day Trial License, see Trial License.


  1. To open PolicyServer MMC, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the PolicyServer MMC shortcut on the desktop
    • Go to the folder specified during installation, then double-click PolicyServerMMC.exe
    The PolicyServer MMC authentication screen appears.

    The PolicyServer MMC Authentication Screen

  2. Specify the following parameters:
    Option Description
    Specify the Enterprise.
    User name
    Specify the user name of an Enterprise Administrator account.
    Specify the password for the user name.
    Specify the PolicyServer IP address or host name, and include the port number assigned to that configuration.
  3. Optional: To use a smart card to authenticate, select Use Smart Card.
  4. Click Login.
  5. Wait for PolicyServer MMC to connect to PolicyServer.
The PolicyServer MMC opens.