File Encryption Agent Menu Parent topic

Use the File Encryption icon (fa_trayicon.jpg) in the system tray to access to the File Encryption agent. Right-click the agent icon to display the menu items. The following table explains the available menu options.

File Encryption Agent Menu Options

Menu Item
First-time user registration of File Encryption with the PolicyServer. For more information, see File Encryption First-time Authentication.
Log In / Log Out
Authenticate with PolicyServer.
Change Password
Permits users to change their password. For more information, see Changing Password in File Encryption.
Remote Help
Unlock File Encryption using Remote Help to authenticate if the user forgets the Endpoint Encryption password, there were too many unsuccessful authentication attempts, or the Endpoint Encryption device has not communicated with the PolicyServer for a specified duration. For more information, see Forced Password Reset.
Sync with PolicyServer
Manually download policy updates from PolicyServer. For more information, see Synchronizing Policies with PolicyServer.
Sync with PolicyServer Offline Files
Synchronizing with PolicyServer offline files enforces new security policies using an import file instead of communicating directly with PolicyServer. For more information, see Synchronizing Policies with PolicyServer Offline Files.
Hide Notification
Silences all File Encryption notifications.
About File Encryption
Displays File Encryption information including version, last sync time, and authenticated user.
Close Tray
Temporarily removes the File Encryption tray icon.