Querying and Viewing Managed Product Logs Parent topic

Use the Logs tab to query and view logs for a group or a specific managed product.


  1. Click Products from the main menu.
    The Product Directory screen appears.
  2. Select the desired managed product or folder from the Product Directory.
  3. Move the cursor over Logs in the Product Directory menu.
  4. Click Logs from the drop-down menu.
    The Ad Hoc Query > Step 2: Select Data View screen appears.
  5. Specify the data view for the log:
    1. Select the data to query from the Available Data Views area.
    2. Click Next.
      The Ad Hoc Query > Step 3: Query Criteria screen appears.
  6. Specify the data to appear in the log and the order in which the data appears. Items appearing at the top of the Selected Fields list appear as the left most column of the table. Removing a field from Selected Fields list removes the corresponding column from the Ad Hoc Query returned table.
    1. Click Change column display.
      The Select Display Sequence screen appears.
    2. Select a query column from the Available Fields list. Select multiple items using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
    3. Click > to add items to the Selected Fields list.
    4. Specify the order in which the data displays by selecting the item and clicking Move up or Move down.
    5. Click Back when the sequence fits your requirements.
  7. Specify the filtering criteria for the data:
    When querying for summary data, users must specify the items under Required criteria.
    • Required criteria:
      • Specify a Summary Time for the data or whether you want COOKIES to appear in your reports.
    • Custom criteria:
      1. Specify the criteria filtering rules for the data categories:
        • All of the criteria: This selection acts as a logical AND function. Data appearing in the report must meet all the filtering criteria.
        • Any of the criteria: This selection acts as a logical OR function. Data appearing in the report must meet any of the filtering criteria.
      2. Specify the filtering criteria for the data. Control Manager supports specifying up to 20 criteria for filtering data.
        If you do not specify any filtering criteria, the Ad Hoc Query returns all results for the applicable columns. Trend Micro recommends specifying filtering criteria to simplify data analysis after the information for the query returns.
  8. Save the query:
    1. Click Save this query to the saved Ad Hoc Queries list.
    2. Type a name for the saved query in the Query Name field.
  9. Click Query.
    The Results screen appears.
  10. Save the report as a CSV file:
    1. Click Export to CSV.
    2. Click Download.
    3. Specify the location to save the file.
    4. Click Save.
  11. Save the report as an XML file:
    1. Click Export to XML.
    2. Click Download.
    3. Specify the location to save the file.
    4. Click Save.
    To query more results on a single screen, select a different value in Rows per page. A single screen can display 10, 15, 30, or 50 query results per page.
  12. Save the settings for the query:
    1. Click Save query settings.
    2. Type a name for the saved query in the Query Name field.
    3. Click OK.
      The saved query appears on the Saved Ad Hoc Queries screen.