Editing Policies with Multiple Options Parent topic

Some policies have multiple options stored in subpolicies affecting that policy. Multiple option policies create separate lines in a text string, and each new line in the string is a subpolicy. For example, the IF Found policy displays how to return a found device. A normal address format displays the name, street address, and city/state/zip on three separate lines.
Depending on the policy, multiple options is generally limited to six subpolicies.


  1. Right-click the policy to modify and then click Add.

    If Found Policy: Adding a New Option

  2. Specify details in the Policy Value field.
    Depending on the policy, you may need to modify the added policy by right-clicking and selecting Properties.
  3. Click OK to save changes.

    If Found Policy: Results After Adding Multiple Options

  4. If needed, add a new option.
  5. To make changes, right-click the child policy, then select Properties.
    The policy change is activated once the Endpoint Encryption agent synchronizes with PolicyServer.