Endpoint Encryption Devices Widget Parent topic

Endpoint Encryption devices are Endpoint Encryption agents that have registered with PolicyServer. Installing any Endpoint Encryption agent automatically registers the endpoint with PolicyServer as a new Endpoint Encryption device. Since multiple Endpoint Encryption agents may protect a given endpoint, a single endpoint may appear as more than one Endpoint Encryption device on PolicyServer.
The Endpoint Encryption Devices widget provides Endpoint Encryption device management capability directly from the Control Manager dashboard. Use the Endpoint Encryption Devices widget to monitor activity, search for Endpoint Encryption devices, or secure endpoint data by initiating lock or erase commands when an endpoint is lost or stolen.
For information about managing devices with the Endpoint Encryption Devices widget, see Devices in Control Manager.
For information about adding Endpoint Encryption devices to a policy, see Specifying Policy Targets.

Endpoint Encryption Devices Widget

Endpoint Encryption Devices Widget Description

View the total number of devices in the entire Enterprise, selected policy, or specified search.
View all devices in the entire Enterprise, selected group, or specified search.
  • Device Name: The computer name associated with the Endpoint Encryption device.
  • Agent: The installed Endpoint Encryption agent.
  • FDE Encryption Status: If Full Disk Encryption agent is installed, the encryption status. For information, see Full Disk Encryption Status Widget.
  • Status: The current status of the Endpoint Encryption device.
Click the mag_arrow_devices.png icon to select the Endpoint Encryption agent and filter the devices shown in the table.
Click the Show drop-down box to select the entire Enterprise or a specific policy to show in the table.
Use the search field to specify parameters to search against. Any attributes listed in devices attributes can be searched.
Click the widget_settings_icon.png icon to configure widget settings.
Click the refresh_icon_widget.png icon to refresh widget data.
Click the help_icon_widgets.png icon to view online help.
Click the close_icon_widget.png icon to close the widget.
View the last time that the widget synchronized data with PolicyServer.
Click the widget_actions_icon.png icon to view device attributes or to perform actions on the selected device.