Deep Discovery Email Inspector does not encrypt or decrypt messages that meet the thresholds or conditions you specify on the Email Encryption Exceptions screen.


  1. Go to PoliciesExceptionsEmail Encryption Exceptions.
  2. Under Scanning Criteria, configure the limits for encrypted and decrypted messages that Deep Discovery Email Inspector processes.

    Maximum encrypted message size
    Specify the maximum size for encrypted messages
    This setting applies to both inbound and outbound messages. When a message meets the maximum threshold, Deep Discovery Email Inspector applies the specified actions on the message.
    Maximum decrypted message size
    Specify the maximum size for decrypted messages
    This setting applies to both inbound and outbound messages. When a message meets the maximum threshold, Deep Discovery Email Inspector applies the specified actions on the message.
    Maximum recipients
    Specify the maximum number of recipients in messages
    This setting applies to both inbound and outbound messages. When a message meets the maximum threshold, Deep Discovery Email Inspector applies the specified actions on the message.
    Unsuccessful encryption for outbound messages
    Select this option to apply the action specifed under Actions on outbound messages that Deep Discovery Email Inspector cannot encrypt.
    Unsuccessful decryption for outbound messages
    Select this option to apply the action specifed under Actions on outbound messages that Deep Discovery Email Inspector cannot decrypt.
  3. Under Actions, configure the actions to apply on messages that reach the specified thresholds and outbound messages that Deep Discovery Email Inspector cannot encrypt or decrypt.

    Select one of the following actions to apply to messages:
    • Delete message: Deletes the email message from the mail queue
    • Block and quarantine: Stores a copy in the quarantine area
    • Pass and tag: If configured, tags the email message subject and inserts the X-header before delivery
    Subject tag
    If you select the Pass and tag action, specify the string to insert in the subject of messages.
    If you select the Pass and tag action, specify the text to add to the X-header.
  4. Click Save.